14 Guaranteed Ways to Get More Facebook Likes – Infographic

If your customer audience spends time on Facebook, then your business should be there, too — on an active Facebook Page. The infographic below gives you 14 guaranteed ways to get more Facebook likes for your business Page. To make things even better, all of these tips are easy for you to do! You don’t have to invest a huge amount of time or money to see real results!

Scroll down to the end of this article to see the infographic or keep reading to get all of the details.

1. Publish Your Own Content

Don’t be shy! Start publishing useful, meaningful content that your audience will want to see and read. Pay attention to what types of posts generate the most views, shares, and comments. Facebook Insights provides tons of data that you can use to ensure you’re publishing the best content to jump start your Page.

2. Let Your Audience Publish Their Content

You don’t have to do everything by yourself! Ask your audience to share their own images and content on your Page. For example, if you sell T-shirts, ask your audience to upload pictures of themselves wearing your shirts.

3. Share Your Page URL Everywhere

Include your Page URL everywhere that you can. This includes in your email signature line, in your marketing materials, on your business cards, and anywhere else you can think of. Own a restaurant? Include your Page URL on your menus and table tent cards. Own a retail store? Print your Page URL on your bags and on window signs.

4. Share Your Page URL in Specific Places

Don’t miss opportunities to share your Page URL in creative places. For example, make sure you include your Page URL in every image you create and publish on Facebook. This way, if someone shares the image, your Page URL will always be included.

5. Invite Your Friends

Facebook makes it very easy to invite all of your personal Facebook friends to like your Facebook Page. The simple steps to do it can be found here in the Facebook Help Center.

6. Invite Your Followers

Chances are you already have some online followers. They might be email subscribers, blog readers, Twitter followers, and so on. Go ahead and send an email, publish a blog post, and post a tweet inviting them to like your Facebook Page.

7. Comment on Other Pages’ Posts

Find posts on other Facebook Pages that your target audience is likely to follow and add value by publishing a comment with your thoughts. Just make sure you comment as your Facebook Page not as your personal Facebook Profile. The goal here is to indirectly promote your Page, not your Profile.

8. Tag Pages and Followers

The tag feature is highly underused on Facebook. When you mention another Page or a follower in a post, make sure you tag them! You can learn more about tagging here in the Facebook Help Center.

9. Hold Contests and Offer Discounts

Offer a prize, discount, or coupon to anyone who likes your Facebook Page. You can promote your contest on your blog, your Page, your email newsletter, and so on. There are lots of tools that can help you run a contest including Facebook’s contests app or the free tool from AgoraPulse. If you have a budget, you can check out tools like Woobox or ShortStack.

10. Run Facebook Ads

Choose a successful post and boost it as a Facebook ad. Make sure the post doesn’t sell anything. Your goal is to share amazing content that people will want to share and be so impressed with that they’ll like your Page, too!

11. Use the Facebook Page Plugin

Install the Facebook Page Plugin on your website, so it’s easy for your web visitors to see your most recent Facebook posts as well as to like and share your Page without leaving your site. You can learn about the Facebook Page Plugin here.

12. Add the Facebook Like Button and Sharing Icons to Your Blog

Make sure it’s easy for people to like your Facebook Page from every page of your blog, and make sure it’s easy for them to share your blog posts to Facebook with a single mouse click. To do this, just add the Facebook Like Button. You can also use third party tools like AddThis to add the Facebook Like Button and Facebook sharing icons to your blog.

13. Invite People on Your Thank You Pages and Email Receipts

When someone makes a purchase from your website, do they see a thank you page when their purchase is complete? Do they receive an email receipt? Both of these places are perfect for inviting customers to like your Facebook Page!

14. Include a Facebook Like Button in Your Email Newsletters

If you send an email newsletter to your subscribers (and you should), then you should include a Facebook like button in every one of those newsletters. If you use an email marketing tool like ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, Infusionsoft, etc., it should be extremely easy to add the like button and even a Facebook sharing button to your newsletters.

Have you had success getting Facebook likes? Share your tips in the comments at the end of this article, and be sure to check out the full infographic below that includes all 14 guaranteed ways to get more Facebook likes.

Susan Gunelius

Susan Gunelius is President & CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc. and Founder & Editor in Chief of an award-winning blog, WomenOnBusiness.com. She is a 20-year veteran of the marketing field and has authored ten books about marketing, branding, and social media, including the highly popular 30-Minute Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing for Dummies, Blogging All-in-One for Dummies and Kick-ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps. Susan’s marketing-related content can be found on Entrepreneur.com, Forbes.com, MSNBC.com, BusinessWeek.com, and more. Susan is President & CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a marketing communications company. She has worked in corporate marketing roles and through client relationships with AT&T, HSBC, Citibank, Intuit, The New York Times, Cox Communications, and many more large and small companies around the world. Susan also speaks about marketing, branding and social media at events around the world and is frequently interviewed by television, online, radio, and print media organizations about these topics. She holds an MBA in Management and Strategy and a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing.
