your source for Event Logistics

How will people enter and exit your event? What happens if there is a weather or traffic delay? What if technology stops working? Our experienced team has all the answers.

Features of AttendStar Logistics

Assigned Event Specialist

Support for our event managers by email 7 days a week and by phone Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM CST. You can also call on your event day anytime.


Our devices operate on a private channel for your event at no cost to you.

Text Message Alerts

Should a problem happen during your event, we'll be able to alert your attendees via text.

Drone Views

Get a bird's eye view of your entire event, such as traffic buildup, parking, and other issues. Get ahead of small complications before they become major problems.


You get paid as tickets sell, not after the event. Our on-site point-of-sale system is fast with easy-to-read reporting.

Layout & Design

From gate placement to parking lot design, we've got your event layout covered.

Event Logistics RESOURCES

AttendStar website icon venues

Venue Logistics

You have the venue picked and all your event planning done, but have you imagined your event with all the people there? Have you sorted through possible problems? 


Will your next event have entertainment? How do you pick the right person? Did you know that finding and booking entertainment can take research, calls, logistics, and negotiating hours? Our team has booked countless artists for events, so we are here to spill the tea.

AttendStar website icon entertainment
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At the end of the day, no matter how much planning went into your event, your staff is going to be responsible for making sure the day runs smoothly.

Ready to try AttendStar?​