Acquiring New Supporters: 9 Strategies for Nonprofits
While we wish that nonprofits could retain every donor they come across, that’s just not feasible. There are all sorts of reasons for donor attrition. This is especially true now as many donors experience financial hardships in a troubled economy. Therefore, nonprofits need to find the perfect balance between retention strategies and acquisition strategies. Your […]
What Fundraising Event Is Right for Your Campaign?
Deciding to host a fundraising event for your campaign is a simple step compared to deciding exactly what type of fundraising event to host when the time comes to get started planning. You’ve probably noticed that the possibilities are endless when it comes to fundraising events. From the low-cost to the high-budget, the easily thrown […]
Managing Your Nonprofit Data: 5 Key Features of Your CRM
If your nonprofit has invested in a top-of-the-line CRM software, it’s reasonable to expect some ROI in terms of donation revenue. But in order to get the most value out of your robust donor management software, you have to make use of all the resources it offers. CRM software can be finely tuned to meet […]