
Ticket Buyer Buzz

The people who buy tickets to your event are usually your biggest fans. They’re the people who love the event, the performers or speakers, the crowd, the food, and everything else offered during their experience. Don’t let their passion for your event go to waste! Instead, you should leverage your ticket buyers’ excitement by giving them ways to talk about your event and share it with other people.

Let your ticket buyers be your most vocal brand advocates by making it as easy as possible for them to spread the word about your event. The two keys to making this kind of word-of-mouth marketing as effective as possible is to make sure it’s not a one-time thing and to make it not seem like marketing at all.

When people buy tickets to an event, they tend to talk about it and share details about the event with their friends for a few days, and then, the event gets placed on the “back burner” until the week of the event. Your goal is to give them ways to keep talking about your event so it doesn’t get placed on the back burner.

However, you can’t accomplish this if you continue to put ads and promotional messages in front of your existing ticket buyers. They already bought tickets, so ads and promotional messages will just annoy them. AttendStar’s Ticket Buyer Buzz helps you generate word-of-mouth marketing from ticket buyers the right way.


AttendStar offers a special feature called Ticket Buyer Buzz that was designed specifically to keep your event at the type of ticket buyers’ minds and to give your ticket buyers interesting, meaningful, and relevant information about the event to share with their friends, family, and social media followers. Here’s how it works:

  1. You set up Ticket Buyer Buzz when you log into your AttendStar account. Set it up once and you’re done!
  2. Your goal is to share a link to interesting, entertaining, or useful content about the event. Remember, you’re sharing information to ticket buyers, so the content should get them excited. It should not be promotional.
  3. You can share a link to a website, video, music, image, and so on. It’s up to you. Just make sure the link shares something special about the event or artist(s) and motivates ticket buyers to share it further with their own audiences.
  4. An email will automatically be sent every 10 days leading up to your event with one of the links you provide during the setup process.

You can see what the Ticket Buyer Buzz setup screen looks like in the AttendStar platform in the image below.

Keep in mind, the image above shows only three places to insert a link. This is because the event is only 30 days away from the date the setup was done. AttendStar only sends an email every 10 days. If your event is 50 days away from the date you set up Ticket Buyer Buzz, you’ll see five places for links. Notice in the image that AttendStar even tells you when the messages will be sent to your ticket buyers.

You can see a sample Ticket Buyer Buzz email in the image below.

What kind of links should you include in your Ticket Buyer Buzz email messages? Anything that will get ticket buyers excited enough to want to share the links with other people.

For example, you could include links to performer videos, performer interviews, backstage videos, and more. If there is recent news available about your artists or speakers, share links to those news articles through Ticket Buyer Buzz. If your event is associated with a charity, share videos and images about the charity.

Think about what kind of content would convince you to buy tickets to the event. Look for content that piques emotions and evokes feelings of wanting to share an experience with other people.

Remember, you want people to spread the word and send your links to other people, so make them feel like going to your event alone or with just one or two people isn’t enough. Alternately, you can tap into people’s narcissistic side by providing links to content that will make their followers jealous that they’re not attending the event, too. Jealousy is an excellent motivator and goes along with human beings’ common psychological need to “keep up with the Joneses.”


Ticket Buyer Buzz is an excellent addition to your email marketing initiatives. Your marketing plan should include email marketing campaigns to ticket buyers, prior event attendees (if you’ve held a similar event to your current one in the past), related event attendees (if you’ve held related events in the past), and new email subscribers.

Ticket Buyer Buzz makes it easy for you to copy and paste a bunch of links and have a series of email messages automatically sent to your ticket buyer audience. Don’t forget, the goal when emailing this audience is to encourage sharing and word of mouth marketing.

Bottom-line, being able to set Ticket Buyer Buzz up once and know your ticket buyers will receive messages in the weeks leading up to your event without your having to think about it again is a great time saver that can lead to significantly more ticket sales.

Since Ticket Buyer Buzz has email marketing to your ticket buyer audience covered, you can spend more of your time developing email marketing campaigns and messages to promote your upcoming event to prior event attendees, related event attendees, and new email subscribers.


To benefit from the power of Ticket Buyer Buzz for your next event, you need to sell tickets through AttendStar. You can get started by calling AttendStar at 615-223-1973 or use the contact form.
