Visual Content – Why It’s Important for Event Marketing

Did you know that online content with interesting images gets 94% more views than content without images? Did you know that visual content is processed 60,000 times faster than text content, and visual aids improve learning by up to 400%? Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners?

Based on this data, it’s imperative that you prioritize creating online visual content as part of your overall event marketing plan. Think about how you consume content online. What dominates your Facebook feed? Images. Why are Snapchat and Instagram growing so quickly? Images.

We live in a digital and visual world, so it makes sense to match your event marketing to the world around you. That means your event website, event ticket sales page, event ads, and every other event marketing piece you create should include images whenever possible.

To help you get started with creating your own visual content for event marketing, here are five things to keep in mind.

1. Quality Matters

For event marketing, you don’t have to hire a professional photographer to take pictures of every aspect of your event. Yes, professional photos of speakers or performers are important, but what’s most important is the quality of the images you use in your content.

Make sure images are clear, vibrant, and free of any copyright issues. Your goal should be to show people a truthful representation of what the event promises, so the right people will want to buy tickets and their expectations will be met when they attend.

2. Make It Memorable

Research has shown that people remember 10% of what they hear, but when the same message is paired with an image, people remember 65% of it. Images automatically increase memory, but using unique images connected directly to your event can make your content even more memorable!

With that in mind, avoid using stock photos. Instead, use real pictures from your past events, from behind the scenes as you prepare for your upcoming event, of your team, volunteers, speakers, and performers, and so on. The more you can personalize the event, the better!

3. Encourage Engagement

There is a 37% increase in engagement when a Facebook post includes an image. That behavior isn’t unique to Facebook. If you want to increase social media sharing of your content as well as comments, likes, and so on, include images!

Furthermore, the vast majority of content today is viewed on mobile devices. We hit the tipping a point a couple of years ago when mobile started to beat desktop for web traffic. Visual content is far easier to consume and share on mobile devices than text content is.

4. Keep It Affordable

Fortunately, there are many tools you can use to create high quality visual content without spending a large amount of money. Tools like Canva and PicMonkey are great for creating eye-catching visuals, and Piktochart and Visme are excellent for creating infographics and data visualizations.

If you need to hire a graphic designer to help you create your visual content, there are many sites where you can find freelancers who provide services at reasonable prices. Sites like, Upwork, and 99Designs are perfect places to start your search.

5. Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

It important to publish visual content in multiple places to surround your audience with your event content. For example, don’t just publish some text and images on your ticket sales page and stop there.

If you really want to boost ticket sales, you need to maintain an active blog and social media presence using tools like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at the least. You need to provide a running supply of fresh, visual content or no one will be able to share it or engage with it. In other words, without great content, you’re losing opportunities to boost word-of-mouth marketing and ticket sales!

Your Next Steps for Visual Content

Now that you know why visual content is so important, you need to start creating and publishing it. Don’t expect a massive amount of sharing, engagement, and traffic to your ticket sales page immediately. It takes time and effort to build a following, but the amount of social proof you’re building along the way is worth its weight in gold. It’s something that can’t be taken away from you and will deliver better results for all of your future events. That’s something money can’t buy!

