Let’s face it, the Internet is essential to legitimizing and promoting your event. One of the most important things to measuring the effectiveness an event’s web activity is web analytics. Examples of website analytics that are typically the most useful are demographics, page visits, traffic sources, average time on site, and so on. In the world of internet promotions and marketing, web analytics can help determine the effectiveness of online efforts and will aid in making decisions for improvements to an event’s site.
How can you get web analytics? There are several tools available that record web analytics. One of the most commonly used analytics tools for websites is Google Analytics. It’s easy to use and free! It provides all the information needed for most users. If you are relatively new to this, you are going to need to know some of the basic terminologies. Fortunately, Google provides videos on how to make the most of Google Analytics.
For advanced services or larger organizations, paid software – like Adobe’s Omniture – is available. Your event’s ticket sales are a “must have” when it comes to event information. AttendStar’s ticketing service provides advanced reporting software for your ticket sales. With AttendStar’s reporting software, an event manager can keep track of their attendees and identify significant correlations between marketing efforts and buying patterns.
Monitoring activity on social networking pages is very important, as well for staying connected with your attendees. HootSuite.com is a popular service for social network tracking and offers both free and paid service. These services provide a place to view your social networking activities all in one place. With social networks being critical in interacting with your fans and attendees, having the most efficient way to keep track and respond to your activity can go a long way in building hype for an event.
There are a few of the basics of web analytics. Get out there – learn about your visitors and attendees!